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Casting Tree Creation

To successfully cast multiple Wax/resin patterns at once, they must be affixed to a wax stem or sprue in tree-shaped configuration. This process is called creating a casting tree.

This is done by a small soldering iron with a fine tip using wax wire in place of solder to affix your patterns to the center sprue. This main sprue is fixed in the rubber base. The diameter of the rubber base used should be the same as the diameter of the flask to be used.

For larger machines, larger trees require a main wax sprue of 8 to 10 mm in diameter. Their casting patterns are affixed to the main sprue in an upwards spiral. This configuration is best for the removal off your finished castings.

For smaller machines such as Indutherm's MC16, this "tree" is more a "bush;" shorter in stature. The wax patterns are affixed closer towards the base of the main sprue which is much short, or to a wax button.

Casting Tips & Tricks

Some tips for the topic tree making:

  • Make sprues as short as possible.
  • Diameter of sprues should be big enough to guarantee optimal feeding of the castings with liquid metal.
  • The middle trunk should be as thick as possible to ensure proper supply of the cast parts with liquid metal.
  • Place wax pieces so that wax can flow out easily
  • The connection of the waxes to the sprue should be done in a hydro-dynamic style, to prevent turbulence while pouring liquid metal.
  • Do not place waxes/plastic parts to close to flask cylinder. There should be a distance of at least 5 mm