Raytech Magnetic Pins Gun

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This separator eliminates the tedious separation of parts from media. This separator can even be placed into water to separate parts. There is no need to drain the water, as the separator will not rust. It's so easy to use, just place the head piece over the pins to pick them up and then pull the trigger to release them. The large barrel on this model makes it much easier to quickly pick up pins compared to smaller barrel models.
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Easy parts separation at your fingertips for any magnetic finisher

This separator eliminates the tedious separation of parts from media. This separator can even be placed into water to separate parts. There is no need to drain the water, as the separator will not rust. It's so easy to use, just place the head piece over the pins to pick them up and then pull the trigger to release them. The large barrel on this model makes it much easier to quickly pick up pins compared to smaller barrel models.

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