Romanoff E-Z View / E-Z Sand Blaster - 2 Hands

48000-R-2 / 48010-R-2
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  • Brand: Romanoff
  • Supported Hands: 2
  • Dimensions: 10" x 11" x 15" (203mm x 76mm)
  • Power: 110V or 220V
  • Country of Origin: United States

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The Romanoff manufactured E-Z View / E-Z Blaster features a one piece polymer cabinet which will never rust or leaks, adjustable pressure regulator and gauge, will automatically recirculate blasting media, self-cleaning replaceable ceramic nozzle (extra's included), bright light for easy viewing, large access area & double filter bag to insure clean dust-free working area, interior steel tray for laying your work out and a rubber stopper located at the bottom of the cabinet for fast and easy removal of the blasting media.

Requires a steady 75 - 80 PSI of compressed air. We suggest a compressor with a holding tank of at least 4 gallons.

Our two-handed model has a foot pedal that is used to regulate sand/air flow, allowing you to operate the machine with both hands.

Main benefits

  • Excellent for producing different satin and matte finishes on all surfaces.
  • Capable of removing hardened investment in hard to reach areas. 
  • Great for removing oxidation and tarnished surfaces.


  • 5lb of Quartz Media (P/N 7105)
Packing Qty Priced individually